Friday, August 1, 2014

10 Mile Run in Pacific Beach, San Diego, California August 1, 2014

It's a great run today in a beautiful area. In fact, I have not been to Sail Bay in Pacific Beach. I parked at La Cima Drive and Riviera Drive. The Bayside Walk is just steps away. I was stunned by this beautiful bay. This set me in the right mood to put in a good run. After a few miles, I made it over to Ocean Front Walk, heading towards the PB pier. There're a lot of people relaxing and having fun at the beach. On the way back, I went by Pacific Beach Drive as a short cut to get back to my car since I needed to make to back to work for a 2pm meeting. Today is not as hot as last Tuesday. Temperature was around 25C. My legs did not feel as tired as last Tuesday. My fueling protocol is the same as last Tuesday. I am so glad I got out today to do this run. I saw some good scenery today that I would not have otherwise. I plan to do more runs along the coast line. It'd be pity if I don't suck it all in while I am in San Diego. People pay to come here for a vacation.

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